Monday, May 27, 2013

There are currently 16 people playing!

 Despite the fact that Runescape seems to be commercially dwarfed by other big games (especially other MMO's) Jagex actually dominates a very nuanced market. With no download, no fee and no time limit you can enjoy a huge slice of what Runescape has to offer. You don't even need a top of the line computer. With such a small hassle compared to other big titles there must be no downside, right? 

This model works great and supplies the world of Runescape (EoC) with a supply of new players. It's constantly growing and repopulating. But where does this leave us Old School players? Not in a good place, let me tell you. The problem is that as new player come in every day they're building their account in EoC. Eventually they'll pay for membership and the option to play Old School becomes available but it's doubtful they'll ever transfer to it. By this point they've invested a ton of time in their character. Not many people would want to give all that up.

Another problem is that Old School frankly just looks worse. The combat, I imagine, looks boring, the graphics are worse and the world is much smaller in terms of players and content. Mind you, I think Old School is MUCH better but it won't seem that way to incoming EoC players.

I worry that despite the initial surge of players into the 2007 servers the population will eventually taper off. More of us will stop playing while too few people fill their spots. Hopefully this bleak prophecy won't come true but unless Jagex makes some changes to what content is freely available I don't see much of a way around it. All we can do is convince our friends to join us and enjoy what we got while it lasts.

-Joe Leo

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